LCC Faculty Senate
The purpose of the LCC Faculty Senate shall be to facilitate effective communication among the faculty of LCC and between the faculty as a whole and the administration of the College. Additionally, the Senate shall encourage cooperation and fellowship among faculty, and the instructional programs of LCC, and foster community service programs and activities to develop leadership, character, and community involvement. The Senate shall present the views and recommendations of the college faculty to the administration and to the College Board of Trustees as they relate to academic policies, including, but not limited to:
- Formulation of institutional long-range plans, goals, and strategies.
- Curriculum development and outcomes assessment.
- Organization of the college to execute its instructional mission.
- Development and use of instructional technology.
- Academic standards and policies.
- Faculty recruitment, appointment, evaluation, promotion and termination policies.
- Faculty duties, responsibilities, and evaluation policies.
- Faculty grievance procedures.
- Faculty professional development.
- Regulations that directly and indirectly impact faculty and areas of instruction.
- Student advisement and retention activities.
- Faculty compensation, fringe benefits, and leave policies.
- Ratio of full-time to part-time faculty.
- Adequacy of student services and administration support as they pertain to the instructional mission of the college.
- Faculty handbook update and revision.
- Participate in the faculty hiring process.
- All other issues falling within the purview of the instructional umbrella.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
LCC Faculty Senate meetings are currently held virtually in Google Meet on the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 1:00 – 2:30 PM when the campus is open during the Fall and Spring semesters. Invitations with the Google Meet link and meeting agenda are sent to faculty on the Tuesday prior to each meeting. All faculty (full and part-time) are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings. Please contact the Secretary or Chair if you would like to be added to the agenda to address the Senate or if you would like an item added to the agenda. If you have a department- specific question or concern, first attempt to contact the Senator associated with that particular department.
Faculty Senators for Fall 2024/Spring 2025
Kevin L Williams | Chair / Associate Faculty Senator | |
Gene Martinez | Vice Chair / CTE | |
Chantel Rivera | Secretary / Allied Health Senator | |
Billie Mathews | Immediate Past Chair / Humanities Senator | |
Nichole Collins | STEM/Assessment Senator | |
Mari Hill | Adult Basic Education/Education/Business/Satellites Senator | |
Linda Salazar | Ex Officio/LRC | |
Faculty Senate: Documents
Charter and Bylaws-Revision - February 2023
Faculty Service Resolution
Class Caps Resolution
Shared Governance-Power Point Presentation
Shared Governance-12-2017