The Office of the Registrar at Luna Community College is responsible for the creation and maintenance of academic records for all students who pursue their education at our college.
These records include, but are not limited to, student academic information, records of enrollment, academic status, degree/certificate completion and directory information.
The Office of the Registrar also provides administrative support and services for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and administration. Some of our services include but are not limited to the following:
- Issuing of academic official/unofficial transcripts (electronic delivery available)
- Verification of enrollment
- Printing and issuing of diplomas
- Processing of mid-term and final grades
- Applying for graduation
- Certifying of veteran’s educational benefits
- Transfer of credit evaluation for general education core
- Publication of schedule of classes
- Publication of college catalog
- Publication of the Academic Calendar (hyperlink to the calendar)
- Coordination of commencement exercises
- Certification of graduation requirements and conferral of degree and/or certificate
- Course registration
The Office of the Registrar publishes the college’s policies and procedures for students in the college Catalog . Within the Catalog you will also find LCC’s student academic records policy, who has access to your academic records, the process for challenging the content of your academic records, FERPA and what is considered public directory information.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects the privacy of student records. It provides students with four primary rights:
- The right to inspect and review their educational records,
- The right to seek and to amend those records and
- The right to limit the disclosure of information in the records.
- The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office at:
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605
FERPA and the LCC Student:
LCC is obligated to protect all student data and information as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The institution and its agents have an obligation to ensure that information shared internally and externally falls within the institutional policies and federal guidelines established by the Family Policy Compliance under the direction of the U.S. Department of Education. Students may review the Institutional Annual Notification to be informed of their rights under FERPA.
LCC and its agents do not discuss student information with anyone other than the student regardless of age unless the students have completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar the Student Release of Information Form or the information requested falls under a specific exception with the federal rule.
Students have the right to opt out of the Directory Information policy established by the institution which can be found in the institutions Catalog and Institutional Annual Notification. If students would like to request a review of the education record the student may submit the Request for Educational File Review and submit the completed request to the Office of the Registrar and we will respond to the student with a date and time for review within 45 calendar days of the request. Students who wish to participate in Educational File Review must list the specific record(s) in which they would like to review and are not allowed to use any media device to take photos, snapshots or other types of media of the record. The review is facilitated by a member of the Registrar’s Office as well as a member(s) of the department in which the record is being requested if they are available. Educational File Review does not occur with only the student and the record.
For further information on your rights as a student under FERPA please contact our office at or 505-454-2546.
Schedule of Classes:
The schedule of classes is published by the Office of the Registrar each semester. The schedule of classes are the course offerings approved by the Vice President of Instruction and the Academic Departments. The schedule of classes includes the institution’s policies and procedures that cover tuition, fees, and rules and regulations. The Office of the Registrar does not publish a printed schedule of classes but offers the most updated version of available classes online Schedule.
Registering for Class:
All students attending LCC must be officially enrolled and cleared for classes on or before the disenrollment dates published by the Fiscal Office. Students who do not clear for class are not considered enrolled at LCC.
All first-time freshman must meet with an academic advisor in the Student Success Center or their respective discipline to enroll, add, drop, or withdrawal for their first semester at LCC. First-time freshman are not permitted to enroll online via the LCC student Pathways system.
Courses designated with an (E) are considered online courses and are restricted to students who are either in our fully online Business Administration Associate Degree or are below a threshold for online coursework. Students who have taken or may be in jeopardy by taking more than 49% of their program online in majors other than the Business Administration Associate Degree are not allowed to enroll in online courses. Students must enroll for courses face to face at the LCC Campus or one of the designated Satellites or Site. It is advisable that all students enrolling for an online course to meet with their academic advisor to ensure they have not surpassed the LCC threshold. If a student surpasses this threshold the student would not be allowed to enroll for any more online courses.
Requesting Transcripts:
The Office of the Registrar issues official/unofficial transcripts to all LCC students as long as the student does not have any obligations due to the institution. LCC provides electronic official delivery service through our partnership with Parchment. Students may use the Transcript Request Form
and submit their request with a photo ID to Students will have to call our Cashier’s Office to pay for the order before it is processed at 505-454-2506. For faster processing students may also submit their request using our Online Transcript Request
Payment can be made online via this process and no ID is required during this process. Students may also attach documents to the request if they are needed to be submitted with the record requested.
Processing time for transcripts is typically 1-2 business days during non-peak periods (September-November and February – April) and 3-5 business days during peak periods (May-August and December-January). Please contact our office at 505-454-2546 for further information.
Degree Awards and Graduation Clearance:
The Office of the Registrar provides students with the official and final clearance confirming completion of any certificate or degree earned at LCC. The Office of the Registrar only uses the institutional email system for these notices. All students who are cleared for completion will receive the Final Degree Check in their student email account from a member of our staff.
Students who have met with their academic advisor and have confirmed they are in their final semester of study shall submit to the Office of the Registrar the Application for Credentials / Graduation Clearance Form. Degree and Certificate awards are not automatic at LCC and require submission of this form along with an advisors approval. Students are also assessed a $15 Graduation fee for each degree and/or certificate earned at LCC which must be paid prior to the diploma/certificate being mailed to the student.
The final degree check process clears students for participation in the institution’s commencement exercise. Students who are Fall graduates are automatically included in the clearance process for upcoming May commencement exercises and no further clearance is required. In order to be eligible to participate in the May commencement exercise students must have graduated the Fall prior and/or be scheduled to complete all coursework by the end of Spring or Summer of the same year. Students who are scheduled to complete their coursework by the end of Summer must be enrolled for the courses in the upcoming Summer term before a clearance is provided. The Office of the Registrar sets a deadline found in the Academic Calendar for graduation applications for Spring and Summer graduates. Students may find information regarding the institution’s commencement exercise and the process to be approved to participate at the institutions Commencement page.
Issuance of the Diploma/Certificate:
The Office of the Registrar also issues all diplomas and certificates awarded. The issuance of the diploma or the certificate is done once the student has been approved for award and has completed all outstanding degree requirements as outlined by the college catalog. Diplomas are mailed 4-6 weeks after final grades are released to the address indicated on the students Application for Credentials / Graduation Clearance Form. If a student’s needs to submit a change of address for us to send the diploma the submission of a new * Application for Credentials / Graduation Clearance Form is required. The option of pick-up of the diploma is also available. Issuance is also dependent on the verification that the student has paid the $15 Graduation Fee. If the fee is not paid the diploma will not be mailed or allowed for pick-up. If students have any obligations due to the institution the diploma will not be mailed or allowed for pick-up.
Students may also request a duplicate copy of their diploma/certificate from LCC. Students must complete the Duplicate Diploma Request Form and pay the necessary fee. Students who have any obligations due to the institution may not request a duplicate copy of their diploma/certificate until the obligations due to the institution have been satisfied.
Grading and Access to Grades:
The Office of the Registrar posts all faculty issued Midterm and Final grades. We do not mail out grade reports or issue any type of progress reports. Midterm grades and Final grades are approved by the faculty and issued to the department for processing on the official academic record. Midterm grades do not become part of the permanent record. Final grades are part of the student’s permanent record. Students may access their Midterm and Final grades via their student account. Pathways
Dates when Midterm and Final grades are available are published on the institutions Academic Calendar and/or the policies and procedures for the Schedule of classes. Students who have an obligation due to the institution do not have access to view their Midterm or Final grades until the obligation is satisfied.
Contact Us:
Ext. 2006
Rachael Lucero
Ext. 1223
Alicia Chacon
Associate Registrar
Ext. 1215
Ida Valdez
Associate Registrar
Ext. 3003