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Luna keeps its accreditation

Luna Community College received great news from the Higher Learning Commission late Monday—it’s keeping its accreditation. In a letter sent to the College, the Higher Learning Commission removed the Show-Cause Order for Luna and placed the College on Probation. Probation is a sanction meaning that an accredited institution is no longer
in compliance with one or more of the Higher Learning Commission’s criteria for accreditation. While on Probation, the College remains accredited, and it has the opportunity to remedy the issues that led to the sanction. The period of probation is not more than two years. In taking this action, the Board considered materials from the recent Show-Cause Evaluation, including, but not limited to the Show-Cause Report, the report of the visiting team, the Board Committee Hearing transcript, and the institution’s responses to these reports.

Luna was placed on a Show-Cause Order in November 2017. “From the beginning, being placed on Show-Cause has been a blessing and opportunity for Luna to get better,” said Luna Interim President Ricky Serna. “We embraced it and have come out a highly functional and quality institution. We are truly better than ever and can’t wait to show the residents of northeastern New Mexico what we have to offer. The ongoing monitoring that will come with probation will ensure we stay on track and grow in the areas of concern. This is a special place and I invite everyone to see what’s happening at Luna.”

“We are truly better than ever and can’t wait to show the residents of northeastern New Mexico what we have to offer. ” - Interim President Ricky Serna

The College is required to provide evidence that it has addressed the issues that led to the sanction, no later than March 1, 2019 in preparation for the Higher Learning
Commission’s on-site evaluation, which will take place no later than May 2019. In November 2019, the Higher Learning Commission Board of Trustees will determine whether
the institution has demonstrated that it is in compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation and whether Probation can be removed.

The Higher Learning Commission is one of several regional accreditors that accredit colleges and universities. Its mission is “serving the common good by assuring and advancing the quality of higher learning.” The Higher Learning Commission accredits colleges and universities in a 19-state region of the United States, including New Mexico.

Among the things the College has done over the last several months is prepare a report in response to the Show-Cause Order that was due on Feb. 1. That was followed by an on-campus Show-Cause Evaluation Visit conducted by Higher Learning Commission Peer Reviewers in March. Most recently, six Luna employees along with one member of the board of trustees represented the college at a Higher Learning Commission Hearing in late May.

Detailed documents related to the Higher Learning Commissions Board’s decision, as transmitted to Luna Community College, as well as more information about the Probation Order can be accessed by clicking on the Higher Learning Commission’s Mark of Affiliation at the bottom of the college’s main landing page at and following the hyperlinks to the College’s profile on the Higher Learning Commission’s website, or by searching for Luna Community College’s profile directly on the Higher Learning Commission’s website at