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Luna Community College Fall 2023 Registration Commercial

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Preservation Through Community & Family event to be held on Aug. 10

BOT Meeting- August 8, 2023 @ 10:00am

Notice Agenda …

College & Career Readiness Institute classes start Aug. 21, 2023

Luna Community College’s Department of Adult Education: College & Career Readiness Institute (CCRI) is accepting students interested in completing their…

Luna student Marisol Maestas celebrates with family, instructors

The lights may have gone off on Friday afternoon on July 21 because of a hailstorm that hit the Las…

Luna hires Erick Wright to lead baseball program

Luna Community College hired Erick Wright as its head baseball coach. Wright has been the head baseball coach at North…

Luna preschool receives $10,000 grant from the LVNMCF for a greenhouse

The Luna Community College Preschool in partnership with the Luna Foundation recently applied for and received a $10,000 grant from…

Luna to host Small Business Conference on Thursday, Aug. 24

Luna giving adobes to properties affected by fire and floods in Mora and San Miguel

Mary Louise Gallegos from La Tewa in San Miguel County was the first recipient of adobes that were made by…

Students learn skills during recent Future Nurse Camp

High school students, Angelina Silva from Santa Rosa High School, Joslyne Garcia from Pecos High School, and Jaylyn Garcia from…